I just have to say that I absolutely LOVE Christmas. I went to see the Rockette's with my mom, sister, Grandma and Dave's Grandma this week and it really got me in the Christmas spirit, even more than I already was. First of all, the Rockette's were AMAZING. They put on an awesome show. One of their segments talked about how we all have favorite traditions and memories of Christmas and if you think back you can remember something from each Christmas. I was thinking of some of my favorite traditions and things about Christmas and I just wanted to share. Some of my Christmas favorites are...
1. My pink angel ornament. My brother and I each have a favorite ornament that we received when we were young that still, to this day, we have a competition to see who gets their ornament at the top of my mom's tree. My brother's ornament is a tiny pack of juicy fruit gum and mine is a pink angel; both of which we got from our grandparents a long time ago. My angel is far from a beautiful angel to most people; her hair is falling off and she has been chewed up by one of our many animals resulting in holes throughout her small plastic body. Still, I love this angel who represents so many memories for me and it will always be my favorite ornament-plus, my brother and I will always continue to have our little competition. He won last year but I'll get him this year:)
2. Taco dinner on Christmas Eve. My family has always had our main Christmas on Christmas Eve. We have a tradition that I love. We all go to church together and then come home, eat tacos and then open our gifts (except of course the gifts from Santa which come the next morning). Our taco tradition started a long time ago. When we were young we always spent Christmas Eve with my Grandma and Grandpa Heiser. The dinner tradition then was sloppy joes for dinner. When my family moved away from North Dakota to Wyoming, we started our own tradition. At the time, my brother and I decided our favorite meal was tacos. So, we have eaten tacos for our Christmas Eve dinner ever since. When Dave joined our family he thought we were nuts but has since come to enjoy our taco tradition!
3. Finding the perfect gifts. I often get teased about my love of presents and some people think I am obsessed about getting presents. But, my real joy is finding the perfect gift for everyone I love. I shop for Christmas all year long and honestly, I have some Christmas gifts for next year already. I can't even explain the feeling I get when I find something that I know the recipient will love. I absolutely LOVE getting gifts for other people, even more than I like getting gifts myself.
4. Christmas Music. I LOVE Christmas music. There is a radio station here that is already playing Christmas music and it is programmed into my car already. This drives Dave crazy but honestly Christmas music just makes my heart happy.
These are only a few of the things I love about Christmas, I could really write all day long about what I love about this time of year. I am hoping to wrap some Christmas gifts this weekend (another one of my favorite things about Christmas).